Jun 21, 2010

NP1 Nursing Board Exam December 2006 Answer Key 'Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice

100 Nursing Board Exam test questions of December 2006 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE)
Nursing Practice I – Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice
Fundamentals of Nursing

 PART 1 Board Exam test questions 1 - 50

SET A                                                                                     

Direction: Choose the letter of the BEST answer by shading the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE!

Situation 1: Mr. Martin, 71 years old was suddenly rushed to the hospital because of severe chest pain. On admission, he was diagnosed to have acute myocardial infarction and was placed in the ICU.

1. While in the ICU, he executes the document tat list the medical treatment he chooses to refuse in case his condition becomes severe to a point that he will be unable to make decisions for himself. This document is:
            A. living will                                        C. last will and testament
            B. informed consent                               D. power of attorney

2. After one day, the patient’s condition worsened and feeling hopeless. He requested the nurse to remove the oxygen. The nurse should:
            A. follow the patient because it is his right to die gracefully
            B. follow the patient as it is his right to determine the medical regimen he needs  
            C. refuse the patient and encourage him to verbalize hid feelings
            D. refuse the patient since euthanasia is not accepted in the Philippines

3.  Euthanasia is an ethical dilemma which confronts nurses in the ICU because:
            A. the choices involved do not appear to be clearly right or wrong
            B. a clients legal right co-exist with the nurse’s professional obligation
            C. decisions has to be made based on societal norms.
            D. decisions has to be mad quickly, often under stressful conditions

4. A nurse who supports a patient and family’s need to make decisions that is right for them is practicing which of the following ethical principles?
            A. Autonomy               B. confidentiality                        C. privacy                      d. truthfulness

5. Mr. Martin felt better after 5 days but recognizing the severity of his illness, he executes a document authorizing the wife to transact any form of business in his behalf in addition to all decisions relative to his confinement his document is referred to as:
            A. power f attorney                            C. informed consent
            B. living will                                           D. medical records

Situation 2: Miss Castro was recently appointed chief nurse of a 50-bed government hospital in Valenzuela. On her first day of duty, she tried to remember the elements of administration she learned from her basic nursing education.

6.  One of the first things Ms. Castro did was to engage her until in objective writing, formulating goals and philosophy of nursing service. Which activities are MOST appropriately described to which elements of administration?
            A. planning                  B. controlling                 C. directing                    d. organizing

7. In recognizing the Department of Nursing, she comes up with the organizational structure defining the role and function of the different nursing positions and line-up the position with qualified people.  This is included in which element of administration:
            A. monitoring                 B. evaluation                 C. organizing               d. planning

8. After one month, she and her management committee assess the regulatory measures taken and correct whatever discrepancies are found. This is part of which element of administration:
            A. monitoring                 B. organizing                 C. evaluation               d. planning

9. Revaluation and administrative process is BEST described as:
            A. a continuing process of seeing that performance meets goals and targets  
            B. obtaining commitment of members to do better
            C. informing personnel how well and how much improvement has been made
            D. follow-up of activities that have been studied

10. In all of the various administrative functions, which of the following management skill is demanded efficiently and effectively of Ms. Castro?
            1. Decision making skills                                     2. Forecasting skills
            3. Auditing skills                                                 4. Communications skills

            A. 2 & 3                                    B. 1 & 4                                   C. 1 & 2                        D. 2 & 4    

Situation 3:  Meldy. 40 years old. is waiting for her doctor’s  appointment at the clinic where you work.

11. You are to interview her as an initial nursing action so that you can.
            A. Document important data in her client records for health team to read.
B. Gather data about her lifestyle, health needs, lifestyle,   health   needs and problems to develop plan  of care
            C. provide solutions to her immediate health concern
            D. identify the most appropriate nurse diagnosis for her heath problem

12.  During the interview, Meldy experiences a sharp abdominal pain on the right side of her abdomen. She further tells you that an hour ago, she ate fatty food and this had happened many times before. You will record this as:
            A.   Client complains of intermittent abdominal pain an hour alter eating fatty foods
            B.   After eating fatty food the client experienced severe abdominal pain
            C.  Client claims to have sharp abdominal pains after eating fatty food unrelieved by pain medication
            D.  Client reported sharp abdominal pain on the right upper quadrant of abdomen an hour after
      ingestion of fatty foods.

13. Meldy  tells you that she has been on a high protein / high fat / low carbohydrate diet order to lose weight and that she has successfully lost 8 lbs during the past two weeks. In planning a healthy balanced diet for her, you will:
            A. Encourage her to eat well-balanced diet with a variety of food from the major food groups and
      take plenty of fluids.
            B. Ask her to shift to a macrobiotic diet rich in complex carbohydrates.
            C. Encourage her to cleanse her body toxins by changing a vegetarian diet with regular exercise.
            D. Encourage her to eat a high carbohydrate, low protein diet and low fat diet.

14. You learn that Meldy drinks 5-8 cups o coffee a day plus cola drinks. Because she is in her pre-menopausal years, the nurse instructs her to decrease consumption of coffee and cola preparation because:
            A. these products increase calcium loss from the bones
            B. These products have stimulant effect n the body
            C. these products encourage increase in sugar consumption
            D. these products are addicting

15. Health education plan for Meldy stresses prevention of NCD or Non-communicable diseases that are influenced by lifestyle. These include the following EXCEPT:
            A. Cancer                      B. DM                          C. Osteoporosis              D. Cardiovascular diseases  

Situation 4: Changes in technology, the nation’s economy and the increasing number of population have brought about changes in the Health Care System.

16. At present, government hospitals are expected to offer comprehensive health services to include illness prevention and health promotion. In which of the following unit of services are these services integrated?
            A. Wellness center                                          C. Rehabilitation Center
            C. Intensive Care unit                             D. newborn screening unit 

17. Which of the following is the MOST recent government initiative to help subsidize the cost of health services for both the employed and the unemployed?
            A. National Health Insurance Act                   C. Medicare Act
            B. Worker’s Compensation Act                            D. Magna Carta for Public Health Workers

18. The top ten morbidity cases in the Phil. Include TB, diarrhea among children to name a few. Many of these conditions are preventable and have implications are preventable and have implications in the development of which nursing competencies?
            A. Execution of nsg. procedure and technique
            B. Therapeutic use of self 
            C. Administration of treatment and medication
            D. Health education

19. The cost of hospitalization is getting more expensive and unaffordable to many of our people. These facts will MOST LIKELY bring about development in which of the following?
            A. acute services                                    C. home care services
            B. managed care services                  D. advance practice nursing

20. Which of the following latest trend has expanded health services based on prepaid fees with emphasis on health promotion and illness prevention?
            A. Government Insurance Plan                            C. Health Maintenance Organization
            B. Preferred Provider Organization                       D. Private Insurance Plan

Situation 5: It is Safety Awareness Week in the Community and the nurse checks on the presence of hazards at home. The nurse plan is to have the residents themselves identify the physical hazards in their own homes.

21. Which of the following is NOT a physical hazard in the home?
            A. unstable and slippery stairway
            B. large windows that allow good ventilation
            C. obstacle people cam trip over like door mats, rugs, electric cords
            D. inadequate lighting in and out of the house

22. Risk factors exist for each of the different developmental levels. From infancy to preschool age, the most common cause of death is injury rather than disease. To protect children from harm, that parents should be aware that MOST injuries for this age group are due to:
            A. Accidents at home caused by the swallowed poisonous materials, small objects, exploring
     electrical sockets
            B. Accidents from self inflicted wounds
            C. accidents from sports related activities at school or the neighborhood
            D. accidents in the Playground Park, school and presence of strangers who may abduct of molest the child.

23. To promote safety at home, the nurse identifies ways and means of “child proofing” the house. Which of the following is NOT safe?
            A. apply child proof caps and medicine bottles and chemicals
            B. covering electrical outlets, tying up long and loose electrical and telephone cords, securing cabinets
                or doors within reach o the child
            C. giving colorful grocery bags to play with or to store toys and materials
            D. removing objects that the child could easily dismantle and swallow like small parts of a mechanical
                toy, buttons, materials inside, stuffed animals, liquid chemicals.

24. The nurse knows that a person’s hygienic practices are influenced family customs and traditions. Which of the following is NOT part of Basic Hygienic Practices?
            A. bathing practices, frequency and time, care of eyes, ear and nose
            B. oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing teeth, gum care
            C. care of skin with lesions, cuts with infection
            D. hair and skin such as washing hair and face, feet, hand and nail care

25. Falls are the common home accident among elderly and these are due to physical limitations imposed by aging and some hazards in the home setting.  The nurse reduces the risk of falling through the following EXCEPT:
            A. rearranging furniture frequently  
            B. having the bed or mattress close to the floor
            C. providing a nonskid and well fitted shoes or slippers
            D. having a call bell within the persons reach and answering call bells immediately

Situation 6: Eileen, 45 years old is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of renal calculi. She is experiencing severe flank pain, nauseated and with a temperature of 39 0C.

26. Given the above assessment data, the most immediate goal of the nurse would be which of the following?          

            A. Prevent urinary complication
            B. maintains fluid and electrolytes
            C. Alleviate pain
            D. Alleviating nausea

 27. After IVP a renal stone was confirmed, a left nephrectomy was done. Her post operative order includes “daily urine specimen to be sent to the laboratory” . Eileen has a foley catheter attached to a urinary drainage system. How will you collect the urine specimen?
            A. remove urine from drainage tube with sterile needle and syringe and empty urine from the
     syringe into the specimen container
            B. empty a sample urine from the collecting bag into the specimen container
            C. disconnect the drainage tube from the indwelling catheter and allow urine to flow from catheter into
                 the specimen container.
            D. disconnect the drainage the from the collecting bag and allow the urine to flow from the catheter into
                 the specimen container.

28. Where would the nurse tape Eileen’s indwelling catheter in order to reduce urethral irritation?
            A. to the patient’s inner thigh                        C. to the patient’
            B. to the patient’s lower thigh                              D. to the patient lower abdomen

29. Which of the following menu is appropriate for one with low sodium diet?
            A. instant noodles, fresh fruits and ice tea
            B. ham and cheese sandwich, fresh fruits and vegetables
            C. white chicken sandwich, vegetable salad and tea
            D. canned soup, potato salad, and diet soda

30. Howe will you prevent ascending infection to Eileen who has an indwelling catheter?
            A. see to it that the drainage tubing touches the level of the urine
            B. change he catheter every eight hours
            C. see to it that the drainage tubing does not touch the level of the urine
            D. clean catheter may be used since urethral meatus is not a sterile area

Situation 7: Miss Tingson is assigned to Mang Carlos, a 60 year old newly diagnosed diabetic patient. She is beginning to write objectives of her teaching plan.

31. Which of the following objectives is written in behavioral terms?
A. Mang Carlos will know about diabetes related to foot care and the techniques and equipments  necessary to      carry it out
            B. Mang Carlos daughter should learn about DM within the week
            C. Mang Carlos wife needs to understand the side effects of insulin
            D. Mang Carlos sister will be able to determine in two days his insulin requirement based on
                 blood glucose levels obtained from glucometer

32. Which of the following is the BEST rationale for written objectives?
            A. ensure communication among staff members
            B. facilitate evaluation of the nurse’s performance
            C. ensure learning on the part of the nurse
            D. document the quality of care

33. Which of the following behavior BEST contribute to the learning of Mang Carlos regarding his disease condition?
            A. frequent use of technical terms for familiarization
            B. drawing him into discussion about diabetes
            C. detailed lengthy explanation about his condition
            D. loosely structured teaching session

34. Miss Tingson should encourage exercise in the management of diabetes, because it:
            A. decrease total triglyceride levels                      C. lowers blood glucose
            B. improves insulin utilization                              D. accomplishes all of the above  

35. The chief life-threatening hazard for surgical patient with uncontrolled diabetes is:
            A. dehydration                       B. hypertension              C. hypoglycemia            D. glucosuria

Situation 8: Caring for the perioperative patient.

36. An appendectomy during a hysterectomy would be classified as:
            A. Major, emergency, diagnosis                           C. Minor, elective, ablative
            B. major, urgent, palliative                                  D. minor, urgent, reconstructive

37. An informed consent is required for:
            A. closed reduction of a fracture                   C. irrigation of the external ear canal
            B. insertion of intravenous catheter                      D. urethral catheterization          

38. The circulating nurse’s responsibilities, in contrast to the scrub nurse’s responsibilities, include:
            A. assisting the surgeon                          C. setting up the sterile tables
            B. monitoring aseptic practices                     D. all of the above functions 

39. The primary nursing goal in the immediate postoperative period is maintenance of pulmonary function and prevention of:
            A. Laryngospasm                                               C. hypoxemia and hypercapnea  
            B. hyperventilation                                             D. pulmonary edema ad embolism

40. Unless contraindicated, any unconscious patient should be positioned:
A. flat on his of her back, without elevation of the head, to facilitate frequent turning and minimize pulmonary complications
B. in semi-fowlers position, to promote respiratory function and reduce the incidence of orthostatic hypotension when the patient can eventually stand.
c. in fowler’s position, which most closely stimulates a sitting position, thus facilitating reparatory as well as gastrointestinal functioning.
D. on his or her side without a pillow at the patient’s back and his or her chin extended to minimize the danger of aspirations

Situation 9: To prevent further injury to patients with problems of immobility / mobility, the nurse should observe certain principles of body mechanics for herself and her patients.

41. Which of the following are appropriate goals for client with positioning and mobility needs?
            A. developing of contractures                              C. sensory alterations
            B. proper body alignment                               D. decrease in activity tolerance             

42. Which for the following would MOST likely cause injury to the nurse when moving the patient from bed to the wheelchair?
            A. bending at the knees                          C. using body weight to assist with the movement
            B. standing with feet together                       D. standing with feet apart

43. Which of the following is the CORRECT guideline when positioning patients?
            A. put pillows above a joint to immobilize it  
            B. position of the joint should be slightly extended
            C. joints of patient to be supported with pillow
            D. patient’s position should be changed at least three or four times a day

44. Which of the following can be used by clients with problem of immobility to enable them raise their body from bed to wheelchair or perform some bed exercises?
            A. sandbag                    B. side-rail                     C. trochanter roll                        D. trapeze bar

45. The importance of forcing fluids with an immobilized patient is to:
            A. prevent pneumonia                                        C. prevent skin breakdown
            B. prevent urinary stasis                                D. maintain peristalsis

46. Which of the following is the least nursing activity in performing assessment of the patient?
            A. laboratory test                                           C. Health history
            B. physical examination                                      D. systemic review

47. One of the responsibilities of Mr. Lata, RN, an industrial nurse, is to conduct physical head-to-toe assessment of a newly hired factory worker. As part of the assessment, he took the vital signs. Which of the four assessment techniques did he utilize?
            1. auscultation                           3. palpation
            2. percussion                             4. inspection
            A. 1,2 & 3                      B. 3 &4                         C. 1 & 2                        D. 1,3 & 4

48. Which of the following  are the purpose of performing a physical assessment?
             1. gather baseline data about the client’s health
             2. confirm and identify nursing diagnosis
             3. evaluate physiological outcome of care
             4. make clinical judgment of patients’ diagnosis
                  A. 1,2 & 4              B. 2,  3 & 4                    C. 1, 3 & 4                     D. 1,2 & 3

49. Which of the following should be given the HIGHEST PRIORITY before physical examination is done to a patient?
            A. preparation of the equipment              C. preparation of the environment
            B. psychological preparation of the client     D. physical preparation of the client

50. During the assessment phase of the nursing process, the nurse is concerned with:
            A. interpreting data                               
            B. designing nursing strategies
            C. establishing a data base
            D. comparing client responses with the anticipated outcome

CLICK HERE PART 2 (51- 100) 'NP1 Nursing Board Exam December 2006 Answer Key 'Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice'


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