Jun 25, 2010

NP2 Nursing Board Exam June 2008 Answer Key 'Community Health Nursing and Care of Mother and Child'

100 Nursing Board Exam test questions of June 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE)
Nursing Practice II – Community Health Nursing and Care of Mother and Child
Community Health Nursing / O.B. (Obstetric)

PART 1 Board Exam test questions 1 - 50

June 2008
1. Which statement is correct regarding the use of cervical cap?
A.      It may affect the Pap Smear result
B.      It does not need to be fitted by the physician
C.      It does not require the use of spermicidal
D.      It must be removed within 24hours

2. The major components of the communication process are?
            A. Verbal, written, and nonverbal
            B. Speaker, Listener and reply
            C. Facial expression, tone of voice and gestures
            D. Message, sender, channel, Receiver and Feedback

3. The extent of burns in children are normally assessed and expressed in terms of:
            A. The amount of body surface that is unburned
            B. Percentages of total body surface area (TBSA)
            C. How deep the deepest burns are
            D. The severity of the burns on a 1 to 5 burn scale

4. The school nurse notices a child who is wearing old, dirty, poor-fitting clothes; is always hungry; has no lunch money; and is always tired. When the nurse asks the boy his tiredness, he talks of playing outside until midnight. The nurse will suspect that this child is:
            A. Being raised by a parent of low intelligence (IQ)
B. An orphan
C. A victim of child neglect
D. The victim of poverty

5. Which of the following indicates the type(s) of acute renal failure?
A. Four types: hemorrhagic with and without clotting, and non hemorrhagic with and without clotting
B. One type: Acute
C. Three types: Prerenal, intrarenal, postrenal
D. Two types: Acute and subacute

6. A means of facilitating professional staff development is by building upon skills, abilities and of experience of each practitioner is called:
A. The novice to expert model
B. Situational leadership model
C. Career enhancement
D. Clinical ladder

7. Which of the following questions by the nurse would be best fit the philosophy of the nursing mutual participation model of care (NMPMC)?
A. “Have you brushed your child’s teeth today?”
B. “How does your child look to you today?’
C. “Where have you been all morning?”
D. “Do you think your child’s color is worse?”

 8. There are numerous definitions of the word “health”. Which definition below is from Florence Nightingale?
A. A state or a process of being and becoming an integrated and whole person
B. The state of being free from illness or injury
C. Being well and using every power the individual processes to the fullest extent
D. A state of complete physical, social, and mental well-being and not merely the absence of diasease or infirmity.

9. Informal communication takes place when the individual talk and is best described by saying the participants:
A. Are involved in a preexisting informal relationship
B. Talk with slang words
C. Have no particular agenda or protocol
D. Are relaxed

10. Tertiary care by the home health nurse is directed toward children with:
A. Problem is mobility
B. Short-term needs
C. Minor problems
D. Clinically apparent disease

11. The endometrium thickens during which phase of the menstrual cycle?
A. Secretory phase
B. Menstrual phase
C. Proliferative phase
D. Ischemic phase

12. A measurement tool to articulate the nursing workload for a specific patient or groups of patients over a specific period of time is called:
A. Staffing pattern
B. Sill mix
C. Benchmaking
D. Patient classification

13. The mother of a 9 month-old infant is concerned that the head circumference of her baby is greater than the chest circumference. The BEST response by the nurse is:
A. “These circumference normally are the same, but in some babies this just differs”
B. Perhaps your baby was small for gestational age or premature
C. “This is normal until the age of 1 year, when the chest will be greater”
D. “Let me ask you a few questions, and perhaps we can figure out the cause of this difference”

14. Which of the following approaches would work best when the nurse is communicating with an infant?
A. Use an adult voice just as you would for anyone
B. Communicate through the caregivers
C. Allow the child time to warm up to the nurse
D. Respond only after the child cries for a while

15. Evidence-based care started in medicine as a way to:
A. Promote technological advances in medicine
B. Incorporate collaboration within all health care disciplines
C. Integrate individual experience with clinical research
D. Teach medical students the art and science of medicine                               

16. Martina develops endometritis. What would be the best activity for her?
            A. lying in bed with a cold cloth on her forehead
            B. reading while resting in a trendelenburg position
            C. sitting with her feet elevated while playing cards
            D. walking around her room listening to music

17. Grace sustained a laceration on her leg from automobile accident. Why are lacerations of lower extremities potentially more serious among pregnant women than other?
A. lacerations can provoke allergic responses due to gonadotropic hormone release
            B. a woman is less able to keep the laceration clean because of her fatigue
C. healing is limited during pregnancy so these will not heal until after birth
            D. increased bleeding can occur from uterine pressure on leg veins

18. Fely has diarrhea for 2 days. She has sunken eyes, skin pinch goes back very slowly, and she is drinking poorly and irritable. She is not able to drink and there is no blood in the stool. How will you classify Fely’s illness?
            A. persistent diarrhea                                        
            B. some dehydration     
C. severe dehydration                                   
D. no dehydration

19. The infectious agent that causes pulmonary tuberculosis is:
            A. mycobacterium tubercle                           
            B. Hansen’s bacillus       
C. Wuchereria bancrofti                         
D. mycobacterium diphtheria

20. Your client, who happens to be female resident of the barangay you are covering, is an adult survivor who states: “Why couldn’t I make him stop the abuse? If I were stronger person, I would have been able to make him stop. Maybe it was my fault to be abused”. Based on this, which would be your most appropriate nursing diagnosis?
            A. social isolation                                                          
            B. anxiety         
C. chronic low self-esteem
D. ineffective family coping

21. Maybelle is also scheduled to have an amniocentesis to test for fetal maturity. What instructions would you give her before this procedure?
A. void immediately before the procedure to reduce your bladder size
B. no more amniotic fluid forms afterward, that is why only a small amount is removed
            C. the intravenous fluid infused to dilate your uterus does not hurt the
            D. the x-ray used to reveal your fetus position has no long-term effects

22. When planning teaching strategy for a pregnant woman, the nurse should do which of the following?
            A. give information about how the woman can manage the specific problems she identifies as relevant in her life
B. omit information related to minor pains of pregnancy to prevent the woman from developing hypochondria
C. provide all information to the woman in a group session with other pregnant women so she can have someone  to discuss it with
D. during the first prenatal visit, teach a woman the care measures necessary for health promotion  throughout  the pregnancy

23. Which of the following symptoms is LESS commonly noted in EARLY pregnancy?
            A. frequency of urination                                    
            B. chills and fever                              
C. varicosities               
D. Braxton Hicks’ Contractions

24. Bonnie, 3 months pregnant, has reported for her first prenatal visit. The nurse should instruct her to do which of the following?
A. eat more dairy products and green leafy vegetables to provide an additional 300 calories each day
            B. increase her intake of carbohydrates-breads and sweets to prevent protein metabolism
C. eat whenever she feels hungry because her body will let her know when she needs nutrients and extra calories
            D. limit intake of amino acids to prevent development of diabetic ketoacidosis

25. The nurse is assisting Mr. and Mrs. Cruz to prepare for childbirth in the home setting. Which of the following supplies should be readily available for the infant immediately after birth?
            A. vitamin K to avoid bleeding
            B. mild soap without perfume so as not to irritate the skin
            C. bulb syringe to suction fluid and mucous from the mouth
            D. heating lamp to avoid chilling from water evaporation

26. You were the nurse assigned to work with a child who has had whole brain radiation. You have assessed the child to be sleeping up to 20 hours a day and is having some nausea, malaise, fever and dysphasia. Based on this assessment, you are to work with the patients in which of the following areas.
A. Accepting a reoccurrence of the tumor
B. Dealing with the side effects of radiation therapy
C. Caring for the dying child
D. Accepting the imminent death of their child

27. The nurse is planning interventions for a child who has inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with a nursing diagnosis of “Nutrition: Less than body requirements”. Which of the following interventions will be most helpful in resolving this nursing problem?
A. Two large meals a day instead of several minerals and snacks
B. Special IBD diet (diet that has been proven effective for crating IBD)
C. Salt free diet, high in potassium, vitamins and minerals
D. Diet as tolerated with lactose hydrolyzed milk instead of milk products and omission or highly seasoned foods and reduction of fiber.

28. Emotional intelligence consists of a number of competencies. Some of these are listed below. Which is NOT a characteristic of emotional intelligence?
A. Self-esteem
B. self-awareness
C. Empathy
D. Self-regulation

29. Data Collection for driving and restraining forces, including costs, desirability and feasibility is a:
A. People issue
B. Structural issue
C. Political issue
D. Technology issue

30. One of four factors describing the experience of sexually abused children and the effect it has on their growth and development is stigmatization. Stigma will occur when:
A. A child blames him or himself for the sexual abuse and begins to withdraw and isolate
B. Newspapers and media don’t keep sexual abuse private and accidentally or on purpose reveal the name of the victim.
C. The child as been blamed by the abuser for his or her sexual behaviors, saying that the child asked to be touched or did not make the abuser to stop
D. The child’s agony is shared by other members of the family or friends when the sexual abuse becomes public knowledge

Situation – Nurse Anna is a new BSN graduate and has just passed her Licensure Examination for Nurses in the Philippines. She has likewise been hired as a new Community Health Nurse in one of the Rural Health Units in their City, which of the following conditions may be acceptable TRUTHS applied to Community Health Nursing Practice.

31. Which of the following is the primary focus of community health nursing practice?
A. Cure of illnesses
B. Prevention of illnesses
C. Rehabilitation back to health
D. Promotion of health

32. In community health nursing, which of the following is our unit of service as nurses?
A. The community
B. The extended members of every family
C. The individual members of the Barangay
D. The Family

33. A very important part of the Community Health Nursing Assessment Process includes:
A. the application of professional judgment in estimating importance of
facts to family and community
B. evaluation structures and qualifications of health center team
C. coordination with other sectors in relation to health concerns
D. carrying out nursing procedures as per plan of action

34. In community health nursing it is important to take into account the family health data
coupled with an equally important need to perform ocular inspection of the area as activities
which are powerful elements of:
A. evaluation
B. assessment
C. implementation
D. planning

35. The initial step in PLANNING process in order to engage in any nursing project or
activities at the community level involves
A. goal-setting
B. monitoring
C. evaluation of data
D. provision of data

Situation – Please continue responding as a professional nurse in these other health
situations through the following questions.

36. Transmission of HIV from an infected individual to another person occurs:
A. Most frequently in nurses with needlesticks
B. Only if there is a large viral load in the blood
C. Most commonly as a result of sexual contact
D. In all infants born to women with HIV infection

37. The medical record of a client reveals a condition in which the fetus cannot pass through
the maternal pelvis. The nurse interprets this as:
A. Contracted pelvis
B. Maternal disproportion
C. Cervical insufficiency
D. Fetopelvic disproportion

38. The nurse would anticipate a cesarean birth for a client who has which infection present
at the onset of labor?
A. Herpes-simplex virus
B. Human papilloma virus
C. Hepatitis
D. Toxoplasmosis

39. After a vaginal examination, the nurse determines that the client’s fetus is in an occiput
posterior position. The nurse would anticipate that the client will have:
A. A precipitous birth
B. Intense back pain
C. Frequent leg cramps
D. Nausea and vomiting

40. The rationales for using a prostaglandin gel for a client prior to the induction of labor is
A. Soften and efface the cervix
B. Numb cervical pain receptors
C. Prevent cervical lacerations
D. Stimulate uterine contractions

Situation – Nurse Lorena is a Family Planning and Infertility Nurse Specialist and currently attends to FAMILY PLANNING CLIENTS AND INFERTILE COUPLES. The following conditions pertain to meeting the nursing needs of this particular population group.

41. Dina, 17 years old, asks you how a tubal ligation prevents pregnancy. Which would be the best answer?
A. Prostaglandins released from the cut fallopian tubes can kill sperm
B. Sperm can not enter the uterus because the cervical entrance is blocked.
C. Sperm can no longer reach the ova, because the fallopian tubes are
D. The ovary no longer releases ova as there is no where for them to go.

42. The Dators are a couple undergoing testing for infertility. Infertility is said to exist
A. a woman has no uterus
B. a woman has no children
C. a couple has been trying to conceive for 1 year
D. a couple has wanted a child for 6 months

43. Another client named Lilia is diagnosed as having endometriosis. This condition
interferes with fertility because:
A. endometrial implants can block the fallopian tubes
B. the uterine cervix becomes inflamed and swollen
C. the ovaries stop producing adequate estrogen
D. pressure on the pituitary leads to decreased FSH levels

44. Lilia is scheduled to have a hysterosalphingogram. Which of the following instructions
would you give her regarding this procedure?
A. She will not be able to conceive for 3 months after the procedure
B. The sonogram of the uterus will reveal any tumors present
C. Many women experience mild bleeding as an after effect
D. She may feel some cramping when the dye is inserted

45. Lilia’s cousin on the other hand, knowing nurse Lorena’s specialization asks what
artificial insemination by donor entails. Which would be your best answer if you were Nurse Lorena?
A. Donor sperm are introduced vaginally into the uterus or cervix
B. Donor sperm are injected intra-abdominally into each ovary
C. Artificial sperm are injected vaginally to test tubal patency
D. The husband’s sperm is administered intravenously weekly

46. A child suffers a head injury in a tumbling accident in gym class. The nurse’s best course of action is to:
A. Get the child up walking and makes sure he or she stays awake
B. Leave the child and go get help
C. Leave the child in the care of an older child and go get help
D. Stay with the child, keep assessing and have someone call the caregivers
47. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that caregivers do which of the following things in regard to physical activities for preschoolers?
A. Push the child to practice sports activities while they are more flexible
B. Encourage a variety of physical activities in a noncompetitive environment
C. Have the child engage in competitive sports to see where they excel
D. Keep physical activities to a minimum until the child is in grade school.

48. Which of the following arrangements is generally considered to be the best for the parents of hospitalized infant or young child?
A. Rooming in
B. Separate caregiver sleeping room on the unit
C. Day visits and sleeping at home
D. Staying at a nearby hotel or motel

49. When one person allows the conflict to be resolved at his or her own expense, this is referred in conflict management as:
A. Losing
B. Winning while losing
C. The win-lose approach
D. The lose-win approach

50. Which of the following statements best describes acquaintance rape?
A. Sexual intercourse when one person engaging in the activity is unsure about wanting to do so.
B. When two people don’t love each and engage in sexual activities
C. When someone on a date tricks the other person into having sexual intercourse
D. Sexual intercourse committed with force of the threat if force of the threat Of force without a person’s contact.

CLICK HERE PART 2 (51 - 100) 'NP2 Nursing Board Exam June 2008 Answer Key Community Health Nursing and Care of Mother and Child'

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
    liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
    reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
    became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC (www.ultimatelifeclinic.com) in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
    the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
    treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.
