Jun 23, 2010

NP1 Nursing Board Exam June 2007 Answer Key 'Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice'

100 Nursing Board Exam test questions of June 2007 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE)
Nursing Practice I – Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice
Fundamentals of Nursing

PART 2 Board Exam test questions 51 - 100

Situation 11 – Management of nurse practitioners is done by qualified nursing leaders who had clinical experience and management experience.

51. An example of a management function of a nurse is:
A. Teaching patient do breathing and coughing exercises
B. Preparing for a surprise party for a client
C. Performing nursing procedures for clients
D. Directing and evaluating the staff nurses

52. Your head nurse in the unit believes that the staff nurses are not capable of decision making so she makes the decisions for everyone without consulting anybody. This type of leadership is:
A. Laissez faire leadership
B. Democratic leadership
C. Autocratic leadership
D. Managerial leadership

53. When the head nurse in your ward plots and approves your work schedules and directs your work, she is demonstrating:
A. Responsibility
B. Delegation
C. Accountability
D. Authority

54. The following tasks can be safely delegated by a nurse to a non-nurse health worker EXCEPT:
A. Transfer a client from bed to chair
B. Change IV infusions
C. Irrigation of a nasogastric tube
D. Take vital signs

55. You made a mistake in giving the medicine to the wrong client. You notify the client’s doctor and write an incident report. You are demonstrating:
A. Responsibility
B. Accountability
C. Authority
D. Autocracy

Situation 12 – Mr. Dizon, 84 years old, brought to the Emergency Room for complaint of hypertension, flushed face, severe headache, and nausea. You are doing the initial assessment of vital signs.

56. You are to measure the client’s initial blood pressure reading by doing all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Take the blood pressure reading on both arms for comparison
B. Listen to and identify the phases of Korotkoff’s sound
C. Pump the cuff to around 50 mmHg above the point where the pulse is
D. Observe procedures for infection control

57. A pulse oximeter is attached to Mr. Dizon’s finger to:
A. Determine if the client’s hemoglobin level is low and if he needs blood transfusion
B. Check level of client’s tissue perfusion
C. Measure the efficacy of the client’s anti-hypertensive medications
D. Detect oxygen saturation of arterial blood before symptoms of
hypoxemia develops

58. After a few hours in the Emergency Room, Mr. Dizon is admitted to the ward with an order of hourly monitoring of blood pressure. The nurse finds that the cuff is too narrow and this will cause the blood pressure reading to be:
A. inconsistent
B. low systolic and high diastolic
C. higher than what the reading should be
D. lower than what the reading should be

59. Through the client’s health history, you gather that Mr. Dizon smokes and drinks coffee. When taking the blood pressure of a client who recently smoked or drank coffee, how long should the nurse wait before taking the client’s blood pressure for accurate reading?
A. 15 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 1 hour
D. 5 minutes

60. While the client has pulse oximeter on his fingertip, you notice that the sunlight is shining on the area where the oximeter is. Your action will be to:
A. Set and turn on the alarm of the oximeter
B. Do nothing since there is no identified problem
C. Cover the fingertip sensor with a towel or bedsheet
D. Change the location of the sensor every four hours

Situation 13 – The nurse’s understanding of ethico-legal responsibilities will guide his/her nursing practice.

61. The principles that govern right and proper conduct of a person regarding life, biology and the health professionals is referred to as:
A. Morality
B. Religion
C. Values
D. Bioethics

62. The purpose of having a nurses’ code of ethics is:
A. Delineate the scope and areas of nursing practice
B. Identify nursing action recommended for specific health care situations
C. To help the public understand professional conduct expected of nurses
D. To define the roles and functions of the health care givers, nurses, clients

63. The most important nursing responsibility where ethical situations emerge in patient care is to:
A. Act only when advised that the action is ethically sound
B. Not takes sides, remain neutral and fair
C. Assume that ethical questions are the responsibility of the health team
D. Be accountable for his or her own actions

64. You inform the patient about his rights which include the following EXCEPT:
A. Right to expect reasonable continuity of care
B. Right to consent to or decline to participate in research studies or experiments
C. Right to obtain information about another patient
D. Right to expect that the records about his care will be treated as confidential

65. This principle states that a person has unconditional worth and has the capacity to
determine his own destiny:
A. Bioethics
B. Justice
C. Fidelity
D. Autonomy

Situation 14 – Your director of nursing wants to improve the quality of health care offered in the hospital. As a staff nurse in that hospital you know that this entails quality assurance programs.

66. The following mechanisms can be utilized as part of the quality assurance program of your hospital EXCEPT:
A. Patient satisfaction surveys
B. Peer review to assess care provided
C. Review of clinical records of care of client
D. Use of Nursing Interventions Classification

67. The use of the Standards of Nursing Practice is important in the hospital. Which of the following statements best describes what it is?
A. These are statements that describe the maximum or highest level of acceptable
performance in nursing practice
B. It refers to the scope of nursing practice as defined in Republic Act 9173
C. It is a license issued by the Professional Regulation Commission to protect the
public from substandard nursing practice
D. The Standards of Care includes the various steps of the nursing process
and the standards of professional performance

68. you are taking care of critically ill client and the doctor in charge calls to order a DNR (do not resuscitate) for the client. Which of the following is the appropriate action when getting DNR order over the phone?
A. Have the registered nurse, family spokesperson, nurse supervisor and
doctor sign
B. Have 2 nurse validate the phone order, both nurses sign the order and the doctor
should sign his order within 24 hours
C. Have the registered nurse, family and doctor sign the order
D. Have 1 nurse take the order and sign it and have the doctor sign it within 24

69. To ensure client safety before starting blood transfusions the following are needed before the procedure can be done EXCEPT:
A. take baseline vital signs
B. blood should be warmed to room temperature for 30 minutes before
blood transfusions is administered
C. have two nurses verify client identification, blood type, unit number and
expiration date of blood
D. get consent signed for blood transfusion

70. Part of standards of care has to do with the use of restraints. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Doctor’s order for restraints should be signed within 24 hours
B. Remove and reapply restraints every 2 hours
C. Check client’s pulse, blood pressure and circulation every 4 hours
D. Offer food and toileting every 2 hours

Situation 15 – During the NUTRITION EDUCATION class discussion a 58 year old man, Mr. Bruno, shows increased interest.

71. Mr. Bruno asks what the “normal” allowable salt intake is. Your best response to Mr. Bruno is:
A. 1 tsp of salt/day with iodine and sprinkle of MSG
B. 5 gms per day or 1 tsp of table salt/day
C. 1 tbsp of salt/day with some patis and toyo
D. 1 tsp of salt/day but no patis and toyo

72. Your instructions to reduce or limit salt intake include all the following EXCEPT:
A. eat natural food with little or no salt added
B. limit use of table salt and use condiments instead
C. use herbs and spices
D. limit intake of preserved or processed food

73. Teaching strategies and approaches when giving nutrition education is influenced by age, sex and immediate concerns of the group. Your presentation for a group of young mothers would be best if you focus on:
A. diets limited in salt and fat
B. harmful effects of drugs and alcohol intake
C. commercial preparation of dishes
D. cooking demonstration and meal planning

74. Cancer cure is dependent on
A. use of alternative methods of healing
B. watching out for warning signs of cancer
C. proficiency in doing breast self-examination
D. early detection and prompt treatment

75. The role of the health worker in health education is to
A. report incidence of non-communicable diseases to community health center
B. educate as many people about warning signs of non-communicable
C. focus on smoking cessation projects
D. monitor clients with hypertension

Situation 16 – You are assigned to take care of 10 patients during the morning shift. The endorsement includes the IV infusion and medications for these clients.

76. Mr. Felipe, 36 years old is to be given 2700 ml of D5LR to infuse for 18 hours starting at 8 am. At what rate should the IV fluid be flowing hourly?
A. 100 ml per hour
B. 210 ml per hour
C. 150 ml per hour
D. 190 ml per hour

77. Mr. Atienza is to receive 150 ml/hour of D% W IV infusion for 12 hours for a total of 1800ml. He is also losing gastric fluid which must be replaced every two hours. Between 8 am and 10 am, Mr. Atienza has lost 250 ml of gastric fluid. How much fluid should he receive at 11 am?
A. 350 ml/hour
B. 275 ml/hour
C. 400 ml/hour
D. 200 ml/hour

78. You are to apply a transdermal patch of nitoglycerin to your client. The following are important guidelines to observe EXCEPT:
A. Apply to hairless clean area of the skin not subject to much wrinkling
B. Patches may be applied to distal part of the extremities like forearm
C. Change application and site regularly to prevent irritation of the skin
D. Wear gloves to avoid any medication on your hand

79. You will be applying eye drops to Miss Romualdez. After checking all the necessary information and cleaning the affected eyelid and eyelashes, you administer the ophthalmic drops by instilling the eye drops:
A. directly onto the cornea
B. pressing the lacrimal duct
C. into the outer third of the lower conjunctival sac
D. from the inner canthus going towards the side of the eye

80. When applying eye ointment, the following guidelines apply EXCEPT:
A. squeeze about 2 cm of ointment and gently close but not squeeze the eye
B. apply the ointment from the inner canthus going outward of the affected eye
C. discard the first bead of the eye ointment before application because the
tube is likely to expel more than desired amount of ointment
D. hold the tube above the conjunctival sac, do not let tip touch the conjunctiva

Situation 17 – The staff nurse supervisor requests all the staff nurses to “brainstorm” and learn ways to instruct diabetic clients on self-administration of insulin. She wants to ensure that there are nurses available daily to do health education classes.

81. The plan of the nurse supervisor is an example of
A. in service education process
B. efficient management of human resources
C. increasing human resources
D. primary prevention

82. When Mrs. Guevarra, a nurse, delegates aspects of the clients care to the nurse-aide who is an unlicensed staff, Mrs. Guevarra
A. makes the assignment to teach the staff member
B. is assigning the responsibility to the aide but not the accountability for
those tasks
C. does not have to supervise or evaluate the aide
D. most know how to perform task delegated

83. Connie, the new nurse, appears tired and sluggish and lacks the enthusiasm she had six weeks ago when she started the job. The nurse supervisor should
A. empathize with the nurse and listen to her
B. tell her to take the day off
C. discuss how she is adjusting to her new job
D. ask about her family life

84. Process of formal negotiations of working conditions between a group of registered nurses and employer is
A. grievance
B. arbitration
C. collective bargaining
D. strike

85. You are attending a certification on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) offered and required by the hospital employing you. This is
A. professional course towards credits
B. inservice education
C. advance training
D. continuing education

Situation 18 – There are various developments in health education that the nurse should know about:

86. The provision of health information in the rural areas nationwide through television and radio programs and video conferencing is referred to as:
A. Community health program
B. Telehealth program
C. Wellness program
D. Red Cross program

87. A nearby community provides blood pressure screening, height and weight measurement, smoking cessation classes and aerobics class services. This type of program is referred to as
A. outreach program
B. hospital extension program
C. barangay health program
D. wellness program

88. Part of teaching client in health promotion is responsibility for one’s health. When Danica states she needs to improve her nutritional status this means:
A. Goals and interventions to be followed by client are based on nurse’s priorities
B. Goals and intervention developed by the nurse and client should be approved by
the doctor
C. Nurse will decide goals and interventions needed to meet client goals
D. Client will decide the goals and interventions required to meet her goals

89. Nurse Beatrice is providing tertiary prevention to Mrs. De Villa. An example of tertiary provision is
A. Marriage counseling
B. Self-examination for breast cancer
C. Identifying complication of diabetes
D. Poison Control

90. Mrs. Ostrea has a schedule for Pap Smear. She has a strong family history of cervical cancer. This is an example of
A. tertiary prevention
B. secondary prevention
C. health screening
D. primary prevention

Situation 19 – Ronnie was in a vehicular accident where he sustained injury to his left ankle. In the Emergency Room, you notice how anxious he looks.

91. You establish rapport with him and to reduce his anxiety you initially:
A. Take him to the radiology section for X-ray of affected extremity
B. Identify yourself and state your purpose in being with the client
C. Talk to the physician for an order of Valium
D. Do inspection and palpation to check extent of his injuries

92. While doing your assessment, Ronnie asks you “Do I have a fracture? I don’t want to have a cast.” The most appropriate nursing response would be:
A. “You have to have an x ray first to know if you have a fracture”.
B. “Why do you sound so scared? It is just a cast and it’s not painful”.
C. “You seem to be concerned about being in a cast”.
D. “Based on my assessment, there doesn’t seem to be a fracture”.

93. Ronnie is very anxious and is unaware of the extent of his injury. The nurse can best assist him by:
A. Asking the doctor to give an order for a sedative to call him down
B. Informing him that he is being treated by a very competent health team so he
has nothing to worry about
C. Identifying his level of anxiety to determine how much information he
can understand
D. Allaying his anxiety by telling him that he only sustained a minor injury

94. After cleaning the abrasions and applying antiseptic, the nurse applies cold compress to the swollen ankle as ordered by the physician. This statement shows that the nurse has correct understanding of the use of cold compress:
A. Cold compress reduces blood viscosity in the affected area
B. It is safer to apply than hot compress
C. Cold compress prevents edema and reduces pain
D. It eliminates toxic waste products due to vasodilation

95. After receiving prescription for pain medication, Ronnie is instructed to continue applying 30 minute cold at home and start 30 minute hot compress the next day. You
explain that the use of hot compress:
A. Produces anesthetic effect
B. Increases nutrition in the blood to promote wound healing
C. Increase oxygenation to the injured tissues for better healing
D. Induces vasoconstriction to prevent infection

Situation 20 – A nursing professor assigns a group of students to do data gathering by interviewing their classmates as subjects.

96. She instructed the interviewees not to tell the interviewees that the data gathered are for her own research project for publication. This teacher has violated the student’s right to:
A. Not be harmed
B. Disclosure
C. Privacy
D. Self-determination

97. A nurse preceptor observes that many clients are being readmitted in the ward for postoperative infections. She suggests to the students that they do a research on this topic. What research activity is this?
A. Sharing research results with colleagues
B. Identifying clinical problem
C. Developing guidelines for patient care
D. Data collection

98. Quantitative research involves numerical data. Which of the following is based on quantitative research?
A. A study on the effects of the white uniform of hospital personnel on pediatric
B. The effects of regular nurse visits to client’s bedside on the number of
client’s calls to the nurse
C. A study on benefits of pre-operative health instructions to client’s feeling of
D. A study on the effects of touch on the client’s feelings of isolation

99. Before the nurse researcher starts her study, she analyzes how much time, money, materials and people she will need to complete the research project. This analysis prior to beginning the study is called:
A. Validity
B. Feasibility
C. Reliability
D. Researchability

100. Data analysis is to be done and the nurse researcher wants to include variability.
These include the following EXCEPT:
A. Variance
B. Range
C. Standards of Deviation
            D. Mean

CLICK HERE PART 1 (1 - 50) 'NP1 Nursing Board Exam June 2007 Answer Key Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice'


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